We want to share a real-life story about a family who swapped their insurance to Roland, Abbott, & DeZoort and the difference that it made in their lives. The family gave us express permission to share their story but we changed the names just to be on the safe side.
This couple approached us for one simple reason: their family of two was growing into a family of three and they wanted to be better protected. They had no life insurance, median auto insurance, no umbrella policy, and standard homeowners insurance. In short, this family was underinsured and knew they needed help. Here’s what we did:
Their auto insurance premium on two vehicles before swapping to us jumped to $1,432 per six months. Their coverages were 100/300/100 meaning the policy would pay $100k of bodily injury per person injured, $300k total for bodily injury per accident, and up to $100k for property damage.
After searching multiple insurance vendors, we found a policy that drastically increased their coverages to 250/500/250 and dropped their six-month premium to $1,012. In addition, the young couple purchased a $1 million umbrella policy that would protect them in case these coverages were exceeded in an accident for $187 per year.
The homeowners insurance remained the same as their home was properly protected. However, the couple did receive a $417 check as a result of our agent bundling their home and auto insurance with the same insurance carrier.
We gave this couple the option to look at multiple term life insurance quotes ranging from $250,000 to $1,000,000 and varying from 10 years to 30 years. The couple chose a $1,000,000 term policy good for 20 years at the price of $52 per month.
Here’s a look at the final number. Previously, Their auto insurance alone was costing them $2,862 per year. Now their auto, life, and umbrella policies will in total cost them $2,648 for significantly more coverage. Plus, they received the $417 check for bundling home and auto.
As this couple can attest to, our agents took the time to learn their specific situation and found policies that properly protected them at the right price. If you can’t say the same about your current insurance agent, give our office a call and a friendly, knowledgeable agent will get you the protection you deserve.